Other Ocean Activities

sup WEB3parasai WEBlsnorkel WEBsnuba WEBscuba WEBatlantis WEBbig wave surfing WEBjet pack WEB







4 thoughts on “Other Ocean Activities

  1. Cindie Ogata

    Is there anything about how to keep our ocean’s clean? Or how to be a good visitor? If not, may I contribute?

  2. Paul Hagen

    My grandson may be in the menehunie Surf contest in Haleiwa In October… I am trying to get his uncles together and for us all to come over from California .. it may be his last year in this contest and we want to support him all we can …. I know it is difficult to know when the contest will be .. but if you could give me some idea of what the window will be .. I can get tickets for us toco e over .. any response from you would be appreciated
    Mahalo Paul Hagen


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