Events & Contests Schedule

Da Hui Backdoor ShootoutSurfBanzai Pipeline1/4 - 1/15
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfTurtle Bay1/9 - 1/10, 1/16
North Shore Surf Shop Pro JuniorSurfSunset Beach1/18 - 1/28
Pyramid Rock Body Surfing ChampionshipBody SurfPyramid Rock1/24 - 2/15
Volcom Pipeline ProSurfBanzai Pipeline1/26 - 2/7
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfMaile Beach2/6 - 2/7, 2/13 - 2/14
Sunset Pro Standup World TourSUPSunset Beach2/8 - 2/15
Buffalo's Big Board Surfing ClassicMixedMakaha2/15 -2/17, 2/22 - 2/23
IBA GoPro Pipe Bodyboarding Challenge Body BoardBanzai Pipeline2/19 - 3/1
Duke Kahanamoku Beach ChallengeMixedHilton Waikiki Lagoon3/15
North Shore Surf Shop Pro JuniorSurfBanzai Pipeline3/16 - 3/27
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfSandy Beach3/19 - 3/20, 3/26 - 3/27
Rell Sunn Menehune Surf Contest MixedMakaha4/4 - 4/5
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfHaleiwa Beach Park4/9 - 4/10, 4/16 - 4/17
HASA State ChampionshipsSurfAla Moana Bowls4/28 - 5/1
New Hope Christian Fellowship Surf ContestSurfWaikiki Beach5/2 - 5/3
Rainbow Sandals Battle of the PaddleSUP RaceWaikiki Beach5/14 - 5/15
Oakley Surf Shop ChallengeSurfAla Moana Bowls5/16 - 17
T&C Grom ContestSurfQueens Beach Waikiki5/17 - 5/18
Local Motion Surf Into SummerSurfAla Moana Bowls5/22 - 5/23
China Uemura's Annual Wahine Surfing ClassicSurfKuhio Beach Waikiki6/6 - 6/7
Roxy Waikiki ClassicSurfKuhio Beach Waikiki6/8 - 6/9
Aloha Board Shop Honolulu Fish FrySurfKuhio Beach Waikiki7/10 - 7/12
China Uemura's Annual Longboard Surfing ClassicSurfKuhio Beach Waikiki7/30 - 8/2
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfKewalos8/8 - 8/9
Duke's Ocean FestMixedWaikiki Beach8/17 - 8/25
HIC Pro Junior MensSurfKuhio Beach Waikiki8/19 - 8/22
Duke Kahanamoku Kane Longboard Pro AmSurfKuhio Beach Waikiki8/19 - 8/22
Friends of Ali'i Beach Menehune Surf ContestSurfHaleiwa Ali'i Beach Park?
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfQueens9/12 - 9/13
John "Pops" Ah Choy Surf FestMixedKuhio Beach Waikiki9/14 - 9/15
Wet Feet & Blue Planet Surf WPA RegionalsSUP RaceHawaii Kai9/16
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfTurtle Bay10/3 - 10/4, 10/10 - 10/11
SUP Waterman League FinalsSUPTurtle Bay10/16
HIC ProSurfSunset Beach10/27 - 11/10
Reef Hawaiian Pro (Vans Triple Crown)SurfHaleiwa Ali'i Beach Park11/12 - 11/24
Vans World Cup of Surfing (Vans Triple Crown)SurfSunset Beach11/25 - 12/6
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfStraight Out11/7 - 11/8
Billabong Pipeline Masters (Vans Triple Crown)SurfBanzai Pipeline12/8 - 12/20
Quiksilver In Memory of Eddie AikauSurfWaimea Bay12/1 - 2/28
Hawaii Surf Association Surf SeriesSurfMakaha12/13 - 12/14, 12/19 - 12/20
Surf N Sea Haleiwa International OpenMixedHaleiwa Ali'i Beach Park12/23 - 1/2
Rell Sunn Menehune Surf ContestSurfMakaha?

What is the holding period?

Many surf contests or competitions use a holding period when scheduling the events.  The event contest promoter or event director must get a permit from the City & County of Honolulu to have beach access during the holding period dates.  The holding period allows the contest directors to run the heats when surf conditions are at their absolute best.  Sometimes conditions are solid at the beginning of the holding period and the contest will run then.  Other times the conditions might not be so good at the beginning of the holding period and contest directors will wait it out and schedule later, hoping for better conditions.  The call is usually made by 8 am each day but sometimes they will delay the call until lunchtime to allow conditions to improve.  To check surf conditions for all shores, go to  For event status, updates and conditions, call 808-596-SURF.

About the dates listed above.

This is the most extensive list you will find anywhere of surf contests on Oahu.  It takes a lot of work to keep up with each individual event.  We can not guarantee that our dates are accurate.  Usually, the same events run every year and they try to keep with the same weekend or holding period dates, or very similar dates.  You can usually count on the contest running the same time each year, but if you are planning a trip, or wanting to participate, please contact the event coordinator directly, or their website, and confirm dates with them.  Mahalo for checking our site for your source of surfing contests.

27 thoughts on “Events & Contests Schedule

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    1. admin Post author

      Most surf events in Hawaii occur annually. July should be a good month for south shore events. Follow my calendar and follow the event promoter.


        Aloha this seems to be old dates when will it be updated for all contests for 2017?
        please advise
        Mahalo Sara

  8. Pingback: Travel Advice to help you make the most of your trip to Oahu – Moana Blu

  9. Pingback: ハワイのサーファーロコの一日の過ごし方は、どんな感じなの? | Dive to Hawaii

  10. Deb

    I’d LOVE to be able to rent a house right on the beach for one of these championships. It’s been a lifelong dream to live there, however that’s been impossible. I have been Blessed being able to visit Waikiki and driven along the North Shore twice in the last 5 years..but since seeing true paradise I have not been able to visit my own Beach, Virginia Beach. I have this one last trip left in me, where would you recommend for the best view?

  11. Nadine Tremblay

    Is it free to see the competition at banzai pipeline the january 5 and 6?
    Is it in the morning or afternoon?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi, the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout is scheduled for Jan 4 through Jan 15, 2017. Most important is to follow the surf report at and 808-596-SURF. They update all the key surf events in Hawaii. Read below about the holding period.

  12. renee

    i was wondering what longboarding contest are happening this year that anyone over 18 can enter if you could please email me.
    mahalo xx

  13. Courtney

    Is the North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior from March 16 to the 27 at the banzai pipeline still on for this year? If so what times?

  14. Duggar

    Aloha where to get more info on this event below?
    North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior Surf Sunset Beach 1/18 – 1/28
    Interested to participate!?

  15. Pingback: 5 Fun Winter Destinations – Live Well and Wander

  16. Kelsie Greene

    I want to give away free merchandise at a surf contest with my companies logo on it. I also want to set up a photo backdrop where people can take photos in front of. Who do I contact about getting that approved?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Kelsie. Most of the events are organized individually, unless you are interested in the World Surf League events. They will be most difficult to get a booth or even a return email. For most of the smaller events you will need to go directly to the contest organizers/promoters and inquire about getting a booth. Target a few events and it shouldn’t take long to get in touch with their marketing team. Good luck with your product and let me know if you need more help.

  17. Natalie Sander

    Why are the dates listed without years? Why are the dates for Buffalo’s and Rell Sunn not listed as the 2018 dates? Your website dates are so outdated. I don’t know about the others as I am only looking for Makaha surf competitions. It’s so frustrating to look for surf competitions and find them at least two years back dated. Please update your website .

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Natalie. Thank you for your comments. Keeping up with the local surf contests is quite a challenge. Most events happen around the same weekend or time frame each year. The permit process is a mess in Hawaii and the C&C of Honolulu is working to improve the contests system. One of the most important aspects of the surf contests is to not overrun the breaks during the peak surf times. Local surfers need the waves just as much as the contests do. Because of the uncertainty of the events, I choose to give a general time frame of when the events occur. If you are particularly interested in certain events during a certain time, I suggest you Google the event and find our their scheduled dates/holding periods and/or contact the promoter directly.


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